Thu 02 Jan
SweeT KimMy KiSSes **** XoXo *** WhAT You WaNt A HoTt BlonDie *** SkiNNy FuN- SiZEd **** - 20
(Las Vegas)
All Natural, so addicting Good ; {{{1oO% real }}} -562 355 9517 incall specials - 21
(Denver, everywere colorado)
(¯`★´¯) SexY TRE@T ★ .:*¨* BUstY EBonY *¨¨*:. ★ PARIS* (¯`★´¯) - 21
100%Me Or ItS fReE!! TiFfAnY's BaCk BuT oNlY fOr A LiMiTeD TiMe! 100 special 100 special 100 special - 20
FUnsize Freak Nasty 100 rose special.. drip drop tight pink kitty... - 27
(City of San Diego, el cajon, San Diego)
Xxx for everyone😜😜👅👅 come pa(I)y 💸 - 21
(Cypress / Stanton, Orange County, Santa ana Garden grove long beach Anahei)
➜➜ 😁😁 LIL NAUGHTY CINDY 2 HERE 4 YOU 😁 Guaranteed REAL 😁 #1 FULL BODY Provider - 22
(Garden Grove, Garden Grove - 22, Orange County)
*~*~* Sexy Redhead Ready to Play * IRVINE incall *~*~*~ You have 2 C This< - - - - -- - - 21
(Irvine Incall)
🌈 🌷♕🌷 ▬🌈 NORWALK AREA 🌈 🌷♕🌷 ▬🌈██████████████████████ HI RELAXATION ████████████████████████ - 23
(Orange, 🍀☰ Norwalk 🍀☰ 562-929-6644)
PASSION+PLEASURE w/ a REAL WOMAN ♡ I Know what a REAL Man Wants-&I; have NO Problem GIVING IT TO HIM - 19
(Tacoma, in/out Everywhere! Lakewood)
university place #1 in 3 categories: adult film, Fantasy roleplay, physical pleasure! 2 yrs in a row - 25
(Tacoma, pu wa seattle, bellevue,)
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL🇮🇹34D naturally Beautiful Italian Model .💋Ready for a great time✨ Bedroom eyes✨ - 22
Title: 💦SpLiSH SpLaSH💦💦 👅💋 Skilled lips 👅💋SL¡ppєrY & T¡GHT Outcall - 25 ------------------ - 25
(Tacoma, tacoma ...anywhere)
**** Looking for a SURE THING !! **** ____Guaranteed SATISFACTION (22 & Beach) - 37
(Garden Grove / (22 Frwy and Beach))
&& Outcall Only 206-219-9146 ****** Sexy & Busty New Asian Girl Yumi &&&&&&* - 22
(City of Seattle, Outcall Only, Seattle)
👙•° Sexy and Sweet°•👙 ~ 🍭 Guaranteed🍬 to🍦 be🍰 you 🍫Treat🍭 - 28
(Tacoma, Um the bed, shower, table... U pick)
°*°Sexiness at Your Service, I'm That Something Special BBW°*°Alex (253)347-4129 - 36
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Lakewood, Spanaway, Puyallup)
★°°•• SUPER S £ X Y ` Petite REDH£AD ♥EarlyBird Specials ;) Available NO₩ ! im (Recent Pics) - 19
(Tacoma, incall&out; !)
█ █☆★☆ █ █ █✦✦✦ █ █ █ ☆★☆ █ █ █ — — SPECiALS All Day!— — █ █ █ ☆★☆ █ █ █ ✦✦✦ 4 YOU - 29
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incall)
☆δωεε† ▒█▒ ©υr√γ ▒█▒ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ▒█▒ ηαυς╠╣†γ ▒█▒ ρℓαγmα†ε ☆ 2532827294 - 25
SENSUAL, AFFECTIONATE good LOOKING, SPECIAL $80 fll serve call 24/7 - 30
(Incall(S.Tacoma)/outcall CALL 24/7)
Hot. .Busty * Brunette W/ * Busty 34G's *Amazing Luscious Body - 24
(Orange County, Irvine Incall / 405 Jamboree)
)-» FaCe oF aN ANGeL »-(¯V¯)--» BoDy of a GoDDeSS »-(¯V¯)--» So SiNFuLLy SeXy - 22
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall/Outcall Anywhere)
*:❊:*COME Sneak Away W/ME *:❊:* WELL REVIEWED Passionate Blonde★ Let Me SATICFY YOUR CRAVING->$100
(Tacoma, Tacoma Olympia Bremerton Seattle)
DOMINICANA 80 special * BUSTY Dominican V I X E N * 80 special - 19
(80 spc 80 spc 80 spc 80 spc 80 spc 80spc)
(~ santa ana...costa mesa ..)
$$★ Are you sexually Liberated? Have Open Minded Personality?? ★★Want to Become A Star??★$$ - 28
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, World Wide, Yakima)!! SeXii.&.EleGanT!! VERY ADDICTIVE!! - 27
(OUTCALLS ONLii!!!! I ComE 2 YOU!!, Savannah)
(College Station)
💋 Quick Stop Specials 💋 💫🌺🍍 Native🌺Asian 💫🌺🍍 Hottie😍 Who loves 2 Get Naughty 😍 - 26
(Richmond, Richmond incalls only)
*•° ♥ €XQUI§IT€ ߀ÂUTY __ •**•° ♥YÕUR WI§H•* *•° I§ MY CÕMMÂND ♥*•° - - 23
(Midland / Odessa, odessamidland)
《《♡♡ *TASTY *{[(T)]}* TUESDAY* ("Come▪ Savor▪ The▪ Taste▪ Of▪ My▪ Southern▪ Comfort▪") ♡♡》》 - 28
💛💗ToP NoTcH BBW ONE 👅✨of A KInd All ME 1#👄🍪🎉MOSt Wanted 🍒🍬Flawless 😍✌Eye Candy🍸👍 Ablo esponol - 24
(Herndon, Northern Virginia)
New in Town💋Upscale Gentlemen Treat🍰🍦Available Anytime Don't Miss Out 😘! - 20
(San Jose / South Bay, Milpitas San Jose Santa Clara Sunnyvale)
New Open !!! New Hot Body Sindy ~~~ Busty & Beauty Asian Girl ~~~ 408-907-5683 - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, Outcall Only)
Super hot Asian girl Amy and Sugar - New in Town - Only here for short time ..... - 21
(Santa Clara)
♥️🍒♥️ 😍 SWEET & Sexy 🍓 Super Freak 🍓 Thick & Juicy ♥️🍒❤️ - 24
(College Station, Si hablamos espanol Texas ave In&out;)
🔴 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💋 TRY 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💟 SEXY Asian💟 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💋 THE BEST 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺)
UP ALL 〓Day VeRY FuN 〓hh80〓 UnFoRGeTAbLE 〓Sexy Latina 〓〓 ReAdy tO PlaY♥♡ - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara Upscale)
👅UPSCALE INCALL👅Vegas Blonnde VISITIng Ready 4 FUn👅👅 - 20
(Milpitas, Milpitas incall, San Jose / South Bay)
SPECiALS ♥♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[ AWAY AND PLAY ] ♡♥♡ [[ WiTH A BiG BOOTY CUTiE ] ♡♥♡ [[ 2NiTE ]] ♡♥♡ - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose In/Out *{Incall Specials}*)
Queen Victoria Princess of el camino 4 Real 60 special all Day - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, santa clara el camino)
❤💓🌺 💯%ℛεaℓ 🌺💓 Outcall Only❤💓🌺Sexy Blonde ❤💓🌺 - 23
(City of San Jose, Outcall Milpitas Sunnyvale San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
✨✨✨✨✨🎉Pure Seduction! 100% REAL PuertoRican🇵🇷 Goddess🌺💘💘💘💘💘 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, SanJose/SantaClara/Sunnyvale/Milpitas)
🎀💎SweeT BiG BooTy Be@Uty!😘 #1 HaWaiiaN CuTie!! 💎$80QV OuTCaLL & Voyuer SpeCiaLs!!
(Portland, 💎OUTCALL SPECIALS💎971-230-8736)
______ (( WELL REVIEWED )) _________ (( GORGEOUS W/ 3XD'S )) _________ (( NASTY O )) ______ - 21
(Portland, INCALL)
New Independent Hassle Free Blonde....Real Pics. Really Willing to Do It ALL! - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Santa Clara in/outcalls)
; •:*:~New Girl ~~Sexy Slim Amy / Young Kiki~(Saratoga) ~Cuddle, and Caress~Good Services~*:*:• ❤** - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Santa Clara/ San Jose/Campbell)
* * L A T I N A ( ( MINI TOTAL* PACKAGE ) ) B 0 M B S H E L L * * - 19
(San Mateo, San Bruno .. South City .. Sfo)
Latin Beauty ♡♥♡♥J U S T A R R IV E D ........☆☆☆((((Mia ))))☆☆☆)__♡♥♡38 D CUP M US T S E E!♡♡☆☆☆ - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose)
Last day in town :-) ;-) Curvy Brunette ;-) :-) Last Day in town - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, fremont/newark/san jose)
L👀K NO Further‼️ 👩🏼 💄 UPSCALE 💋👠🍾Bubbly EUROPEAN Girl Next Door ❤️ 💖VISITING💖❤️ Last day😘 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale, SUNNYVALE (TODAY ONLY))
Call Coco - 234-521-2125, $50,$50,$50,$50, All Day long, 100% real pics* - 20
(Cleveland, 90 E&W; to rout 2 get off on 91 eastlake)
***** GORGEOUS******* **Blonde** #####Fun ##### ***Sweetheart*** - 33
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
☆ ●☆ ☆ ● HASTA 10 DE MAYO REGRESO Mill Amores mwwwaaa ☆ ● ☆ ● ☆ ● - 21
(Portland, Portland Barbur & Wilsonvile)